Proprietary Trading Incubator.

Proprietary Trading - AlphaT Incubator - AlphaT Prop Trading Firm - Funded Trading Accounts

The Alpha Tradrz Incubator.

Prop Trading Firm - AlphaT

What is the Alpha Tradrz Proprietary Trading Incubator?

The Alpha Tradrz Proprietary Trading Incubator is a trading fund that trades financial instruments utilizing CFDs for the purpose of  generating profits for its own account, using its own capital rather than clients or investors capital. 

To create a genuine diversity of proprietary trading strategies, we look for skilled traders that can manage risk and employ their own strategies. If you are an existing trader with a good strategy then please feel free to take the funded trader assessment.

On completion of The Funded Trader Assessment.

Upon successful completion of the funded trader assessment and your decision to join the live proprietary trading incubator fund, as opposed to the scaling up of the assessment, you have now successfully become an Alpha Trader and will now be trading the AlphaT Capital Incubator Fund.

AlphaT Incubator - Google Live Meet Onboarding

Onboarding live meeting.

Once you have successfully passed the funded trader assessment you will be invited to book an onboarding live Google Meeting with one of our traders. During this onboarding meeting we will be answering any of your questions and asking you which option you wish to take. Do you just want to trade and make monthly profit withdrawals or do you want to build your account to become a Hedge Fund Trader, or both!

The Rules.
for the Live Incubator.

The Maximum Drawdown Limit and the Daily Loss Limit are slightly tighter in the live account. This should not present you with a problem as you have already demonstrated your ability to trade within good risk parameters in the assessment. 







Soft Breach Rules.

  • Stop Loss.

    Each trade must have a Stop Loss attached, this includes trades at market and pending orders.

  • Maximum Position Size.

    The total number of Lots open in your account at any one time must not exceed 1/10000 of your trading Account Size. For example in a $100K account you cannot exceed 10 Lots, when using 1.10 leverage.

Hard Breach Rules.

  • Maximum Trailing Drawdown.

    5% - Do not exceed this figure or your assessment will be over. Please ensure you understand this.

  • Daily Loss Limit.

    3% - To help you stop losing your head and chasing losses, we provide the Daily Loss Limit. The dashboard will alert you to reaching a default Daily Loss Limit of 2%. This is in place to give you the opportunity to stop trading for the day. Your account will not be closed or disabled, it is simply a friendly warning. However if you continue trading and hit the Daily Loss Limit of 3% your account will be closed.


Profit Share Withdrawals.

You may withdraw your profits on the last day of every month. You should advise us of the amount of profit you wish to withdraw and the profit share will be applied and you will receive your share on the first business day of the next month.


Trading Assessment Fee Refund.

The first amount of profit you make that equates to the fee you paid for the assessment AND any reset fees will be refunded from your profits at 100%.

Trader Support.

We know how important trader support is to you.
We encourage you to contact us in the many different communication channels.

We can help you.

Live Chat

Click on the Speech Bubble at the bottom right corner of any page.

Trading Forum

Join our Trader Assessment Forum over at


Tickets are best for technical issues.


Always a good method. Good old email.


Get face to face.


Yes we are on Discord. We do recommend however to use the Trading Forum.


Now that your are an Alpha Trader and trading the live Proprietary Trading Incubator Fund, you will now be invited to the private Trading Floor on, where you will receive support from us and also engage with others trading in the Incubator Fund.

Frequently Asked Questions about Proprietary Trading.

We made the Maximum Trailing Drawdown bigger on the Assessment to give you a better chance of passing. If you have passed the Assessment then you have demonstrated that you can trade within the limits, so trading with a more restrictive limit will not be a problem.

Yes, they are apart from the Maximum Trailing Drawdown and the Daily Loss Limit explained above which is reduced to 5% and 3% respectively.

If you breach the Maximum Trailing Drawdown or the Daily Loss Limit your account will be closed. You will need to retake the Trader Assessment.

If you breach the rules and your account is closed, and you still have a profit balance your profits will be paid to you in accordance with the Profit Share Schedule.

You can withdraw profits on the last day of every month. You should notify us of the amount you wish to reduce your balance by and we will apply the profit share, which is currently 90% in your favor with 10% being retained by the Incubator Fund. You will receive your profits by the first business day of the next month. In the case of the last day being a Friday, then you will receive your profits on the next Monday.

Proprietary trading, also known as prop trading, has both pros and cons. Here are some key advantages and disadvantages of proprietary trading:

Pros of Proprietary Trading:

  1. Access to Capital: Proprietary trading firms provide traders with access to substantial capital, allowing them to take larger positions and potentially generate higher profits. This access to capital can be beneficial for traders who may not have the resources to trade with significant amounts of personal funds.

  2. Profit-Sharing Opportunities: In many proprietary trading arrangements, traders can share in the profits they generate. This profit-sharing model allows traders to earn a percentage of the gains they make, providing the potential for substantial income and financial rewards.

  3. Advanced Technology and Tools: Proprietary trading firms typically invest in state-of-the-art trading platforms, sophisticated analytics tools, and real-time market data. Traders can benefit from advanced technology, enabling them to execute trades efficiently, analyze markets effectively, and make informed trading decisions.

  4. Risk Management Support: Proprietary trading firms often have robust risk management frameworks in place. They provide guidelines, risk controls, and oversight to help traders manage and mitigate risks. This support can protect traders from significant losses and promote responsible trading practices.

  5. Learning and Development Opportunities: Proprietary trading firms often offer comprehensive training programs, mentorship, and ongoing support to their traders. This learning environment helps traders develop and refine their trading skills, gain valuable market insights, and improve their performance over time.

Cons of Proprietary Trading:

  1. Limited Independence: Proprietary traders typically operate within the guidelines and strategies defined by the trading firm. This limited independence can restrict traders’ ability to trade according to their personal preferences and strategies. Traders may need to adhere to the firm’s rules, risk management guidelines, and trading restrictions.

  2. Profit Sharing and Loss Coverage: While profit sharing is a benefit of proprietary trading, traders are often required to share a portion of their profits with the firm. Additionally, some programs may also require traders to cover a portion of their losses. This profit-sharing arrangement and potential loss coverage can impact the overall earnings of the trader.

  3. Competitive Environment: Proprietary trading is a highly competitive field. Traders must consistently perform well to maintain their position and access to capital. The pressure to achieve profitability can be demanding, and not all traders may thrive in this competitive environment.

  4. Capital at Risk: When trading with proprietary funds, traders face the risk of losing both personal funds (if required as part of the arrangement) and the firm’s capital. The high-risk nature of trading can lead to significant financial losses, especially during volatile market conditions.

  5. Limited Market Focus: Proprietary trading firms may have specific market focuses or trading strategies. Traders may be limited to trading in certain markets or using specific trading approaches, which can restrict their ability to explore other opportunities or diversify their trading activities.

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Prohibited Trading Practices.

Unlike many of the Prop Trading Firms that hide these prohibited practices in the terms and conditions, we want to make it clear before you start, that if you use any of these prohibited practices and they are discovered during the review of your account, you will not pass the assessment.

Copy Trading

Engaging in simulated trades that mimic another trader or group of traders across multiple accounts. Using market-purchased Expert Advisors (EAs) that facilitate copy trading. To mitigate possibly violating this rule, we recommend using different set files or adjusting settings.

Simulated Reverse Trading/Group Simulated Hedging

Simulated Hedging or executing simulated reverse trades within a single demo account is permissible.

– However, executing a simulated buy trade on one demo account and a simulated sell trade on another demo account is prohibited. This violates the rule against simulated reverse trading or simulated hedging across multiple demo accounts.

– Simulated Group hedging involves individuals coordinating opposing positions across one or multiple prop firms or simulated prop firms to reduce/eliminate risk and exploit prop firm or simulated prop firm rules. This practice is also prohibited.

Demo Account Management Services

Purchasing or providing live account or demo account management services or engaging in prop firm or simulated prop firm passing services is strictly forbidden.

Sharing your demo account information or allowing someone else to pass a challenge on your behalf is prohibited. Violation of this rule will result in the loss of all involved demo accounts.

Simulated HFT (High-Frequency Trading)

Simulated High-frequency trading (HFT) is strictly prohibited at our firm.

Engaging in simulated HFT methods will be considered a violation, and demo accounts associated with such practices will be terminated.

Martingale Strategy

Whilst we love different strategies, thats what provides diversified risk in aour accounts, the Martingale strategy goes completely against any risk good risk management protocols. We do not allow this strategy in the Incubator (Live Accounts) so we do not allow it in the assessemnt.

Insider Information

You cannot utilize non-public and/or insider information.

Single Share Equity CFD Positions

Holding a Single Share Equity CFD position into an earnings release pertaining to that underlying equity.  To avoid being in breach of this rule, you must close all such Single Share Equity CFD positions by 3:50 pm Eastern Time on the day of the release, if an aftermarket release, or on the preceding day, if a before market open release.  Violation of this rule will constitute an immediate, hard breach of your account and any gain or loss on said position will be removed from any profit calculations. 


Attempting to arbitrage an Audition account with another account with the Company or any third-party company, as determined by the Company in its sole and absolute discretion. 

Third Party Trading

You may not use any third-party strategy, off-the-shelf strategy or one marketed to pass Assessment accounts. We are looking for skilled traders in their own right.

Broker Regulatory Issues

Trading in any way that jeopardizes the relationship that Alpha Tradrz has with their broker or may result in the canceling of trades.

Trading in any way that creates regulatory issues for the Broker.

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