Prohibited Trading Practices.

Unlike many of the Prop Trading Firms that hide these prohibited practices in the terms and conditions, we want to make it clear before you start, that if you use any of these prohibited practices and they are discovered during the review of your account, you will not pass the assessment.

Copy Trading

Engaging in simulated trades that mimic another trader or group of traders across multiple accounts. Using market-purchased Expert Advisors (EAs) that facilitate copy trading. To mitigate possibly violating this rule, we recommend using different set files or adjusting settings.

Simulated Reverse Trading/Group Simulated Hedging

Simulated Hedging or executing simulated reverse trades within a single demo account is permissible.

– However, executing a simulated buy trade on one demo account and a simulated sell trade on another demo account is prohibited. This violates the rule against simulated reverse trading or simulated hedging across multiple demo accounts.

– Simulated Group hedging involves individuals coordinating opposing positions across one or multiple prop firms or simulated prop firms to reduce/eliminate risk and exploit prop firm or simulated prop firm rules. This practice is also prohibited.

Demo Account Management Services

Purchasing or providing live account or demo account management services or engaging in prop firm or simulated prop firm passing services is strictly forbidden.

Sharing your demo account information or allowing someone else to pass a challenge on your behalf is prohibited. Violation of this rule will result in the loss of all involved demo accounts.

Simulated HFT (High-Frequency Trading)

Simulated High-frequency trading (HFT) is strictly prohibited at our firm.

Engaging in simulated HFT methods will be considered a violation, and demo accounts associated with such practices will be terminated.

Martingale Strategy

Whilst we love different strategies, thats what provides diversified risk in aour accounts, the Martingale strategy goes completely against any risk good risk management protocols. We do not allow this strategy in the Incubator (Live Accounts) so we do not allow it in the assessemnt.

Insider Information

You cannot utilize non-public and/or insider information.

Single Share Equity CFD Positions

Holding a Single Share Equity CFD position into an earnings release pertaining to that underlying equity.  To avoid being in breach of this rule, you must close all such Single Share Equity CFD positions by 3:50 pm Eastern Time on the day of the release, if an aftermarket release, or on the preceding day, if a before market open release.  Violation of this rule will constitute an immediate, hard breach of your account and any gain or loss on said position will be removed from any profit calculations. 


Attempting to arbitrage an Audition account with another account with the Company or any third-party company, as determined by the Company in its sole and absolute discretion. 

Third Party Trading

You may not use any third-party strategy, off-the-shelf strategy or one marketed to pass Assessment accounts. We are looking for skilled traders in their own right.

Broker Regulatory Issues

Trading in any way that jeopardizes the relationship that Alpha Tradrz has with their broker or may result in the canceling of trades.

Trading in any way that creates regulatory issues for the Broker.

Gráfico de comparação rápida


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