Funded Trading


We know you have a lot of questions, so we have compiled nearly all the questions we have experienced over the years. Even if you do not have any questions then it is always a good idea to run through these before starting the assessment.

If you still have questions and wish to contact us directly please feel free to do so by contacting us at Trader Support.

Table of Contents

Trading Rules.

There are 2 Soft Breach Rules and 2 Hard Breach Rules.
Unlike other Prop firms we do not hide other rules in the small print we list them ALL below.

A Soft Breach Rule does NOT close your account.

A soft breach rule is as follows:

  • Stop Loss Required.
  • Maximum Position Size.

If you enter a trade either by market or pending without a Stop Loss your trade will be cancelled by our trading server. If you entered at market then the trade will have entered the market before the trading server picks it up so when it is closed you may incur a small loss.

We encourage the use of a Stop Loss on all trades.  If you fail to place a stop loss at the time of placing the trade or pending order, this would be considered a soft breach and the trade or pending order would be closed/cancelled.

As this is a soft breach, you would be able to continue to trade. Multiple soft breaches could result in a call from our risk management team.

You are able to purchase an add- on at the checkout, to by-pass this rule. The additional cost is to compensate for the additional risk that we are exposed to.

A Soft Breach Rule does NOT close your account.

A soft breach rule is as follows:

  • Stop Loss Required.
  • Maximum Position Size.

If you enter a trade either by market or pending without a Stop Loss your trade will be cancelled by our trading server. If you entered at market then the trade will have entered the market before the trading server picks it up so when it is closed you may incur a small loss.

Trading Terms & Conditions.

All Prop Firms have these but are often hidden somewhere in the small print causing a failed assessment.
We believe in total transparency and show you these up front right from the start.

Often hidden in other Prop Firms allowing them to fail traders at the assessment level.

We list them here, all other Prop Firms have these conditions we are no different.

  1. HFT – High Frequency Trading
    This is a method of trading that uses powerful computer programs to transact a large number of orders in fractions of a second. It uses complex algorithms to analyze multiple markets and execute orders based on market conditions. We do not allow our traders to use this strategy.

We encourage the use of a Stop Loss on all trades.  If you fail to place a stop loss at the time of placing the trade or pending order, this would be considered a soft breach and the trade or pending order would be closed/cancelled.

As this is a soft breach, you would be able to continue to trade. Multiple soft breaches could result in a call from our risk management team.

You are able to purchase an add- on at the checkout, to by-pass this rule. The additional cost is to compensate for the additional risk that we are exposed to.

A Soft Breach Rule does NOT close your account.

A soft breach rule is as follows:

  • Stop Loss Required.
  • Maximum Position Size.

If you enter a trade either by market or pending without a Stop Loss your trade will be cancelled by our trading server. If you entered at market then the trade will have entered the market before the trading server picks it up so when it is closed you may incur a small loss.

Prop Trading Firm - AlphaT


Beware of other Prop Firms that do not display this information as nearly all of them have these rules in play.


Below we list explanations, to help clarify any confusion you may have. 

Probably one of the most important metrics in profession and institutional trading. You can learn more here about the High Water Mark.

Simply the HWM is the highest account balance (not equity balance) that your account has achieved. It is important to always know this amount whilst trading, as your Maximum Trailing Drawdown is calculated from this.

New To Prop Trading or Trading.

A funded trader is a professional trader who operates with capital provided by a trading firm or company. The primary role of a funded trader is to generate profits for the firm using the allocated funds while adhering to specific trading guidelines and risk management parameters set by the firm.

Yes you can, if you have traded before.
If you have never traded before then we recommend taking a course and we always recommend The Day Trading Masterclass.

Trading your own capital may often not be enough to make sustainable profits each year. Trading a larger account provides the opportunity to realize bigger profits with the added advantage of  not risking your own capital. In return for this opportunity AlphaT retains 10% of your profits which is returned to the Incubator Fund.

You can join our program if you are 18 years or older. You cannot join if you are resident in one of the OFAC countries.

Assessment Process.

Decide which account size suits you best and get started straightaway. Get Started Here.

You can take your time there is no time limit. Nothing worse than being set a time limit, which forces you to trade. However if your account is dormant and has not been traded for 23 months we will assume you have stopped taking the assessment and your trading account will be closed. If you wish to restart the process after your account is closed you will need to open a new assessment.

You simply have to achieve an 8% profit target. As soon as you have achieved that you will now have become an Alpha Trader and will be allocated a trading account with real money in the incubator.
This will normally be on the same day unless it occurs late on Friday when it will be on the next Monday.

Incubator Fund.

When you take the trader assessment your Daily Loss Limit and Trailing Max Drawdown is greater than when you trade the live Incubator Fund giving a bigger leaway giving you a better chance of passing the assessment.

When you pass the assessment you will  have demonstrated that you can trade within the limits. It is the ability to trade within set limits that is the important metric.

Its is 90% in your favor whilst 10% is retained in the Incubator Fund, providing more capital for fellow Alpha Traders.

It is 3%, with a warning at 1.5%. 
This is to remind you to take a break and not chase your losses.
Live to fight another day.

If you breach a hard limit your account will be closed and you will have to retake the assessment.

Any profits you have made will be returned to you using the Profit Share schedule.

No you can relax now, you have proven your trading skills and risk management in the assessment, now its time to settle in and either build your account capital and/or withdraw monthly profits

You may withdraw profits on the last day of the month, you should advise us of the amount of profit you would like to withdraw, we will then apply the Profit Share Schedule and you will be advised of that amount. You will then provide us with an invoice for that amount and you will be paid on the next business day, or in the case of the last day falling on the Friday, you will be paid on the Monday.


No, you are trading our accounts.

Orders & Billing.

Once your payment has been processed you will receive your account details by email within a few minutes. You may then start trading the account, of course always check your email spam box. If you have any problems please contact us immediately so we can resolve any issues.

We accept all major credit cards, debit cards, PayPal, and Cryptocurrency. Fiat currencies are handled by PayPal and Cryptocurrencies are handled by Coinbase.

This is a common question. We are looking for professional skilled traders. We put a lot of effort into finding those traders. As a business we have multiple expenses involved in providing the platform for the assessment including marketing, trading platforms, trader support to name but a few. The fee is competitive with other Prop Trading Firms.

You have heard the phrase ‘having skin in the game’, the fee for the assessment ensures that each trader is committed to passing the assessment, and not using the account as a demo account.

Trader Support.

We know how important trader support is to you.
We encourage you to contact us in the many different communication channels.

We can help you.

Live Chat

Click on the Speech Bubble at the bottom right corner of any page.

Trading Forum

Join our Trader Assessment Forum over at


Tickets are best for technical issues.


Always a good method. Good old email.


Get face to face.


Yes we are on Discord. We do recommend however to use the Trading Forum.

Prohibited Trading Practices.

Unlike many of the Prop Trading Firms that hide these prohibited practices in the terms and conditions, we want to make it clear before you start, that if you use any of these prohibited practices and they are discovered during the review of your account, you will not pass the assessment.

Copy Trading

Engaging in simulated trades that mimic another trader or group of traders across multiple accounts. Using market-purchased Expert Advisors (EAs) that facilitate copy trading. To mitigate possibly violating this rule, we recommend using different set files or adjusting settings.

Simulated Reverse Trading/Group Simulated Hedging

Simulated Hedging or executing simulated reverse trades within a single demo account is permissible.

– However, executing a simulated buy trade on one demo account and a simulated sell trade on another demo account is prohibited. This violates the rule against simulated reverse trading or simulated hedging across multiple demo accounts.

– Simulated Group hedging involves individuals coordinating opposing positions across one or multiple prop firms or simulated prop firms to reduce/eliminate risk and exploit prop firm or simulated prop firm rules. This practice is also prohibited.

Demo Account Management Services

Purchasing or providing live account or demo account management services or engaging in prop firm or simulated prop firm passing services is strictly forbidden.

Sharing your demo account information or allowing someone else to pass a challenge on your behalf is prohibited. Violation of this rule will result in the loss of all involved demo accounts.

Simulated HFT (High-Frequency Trading)

Simulated High-frequency trading (HFT) is strictly prohibited at our firm.

Engaging in simulated HFT methods will be considered a violation, and demo accounts associated with such practices will be terminated.

Martingale Strategy

Whilst we love different strategies, thats what provides diversified risk in aour accounts, the Martingale strategy goes completely against any risk good risk management protocols. We do not allow this strategy in the Incubator (Live Accounts) so we do not allow it in the assessemnt.

Insider Information

You cannot utilize non-public and/or insider information.

Single Share Equity CFD Positions

Holding a Single Share Equity CFD position into an earnings release pertaining to that underlying equity.  To avoid being in breach of this rule, you must close all such Single Share Equity CFD positions by 3:50 pm Eastern Time on the day of the release, if an aftermarket release, or on the preceding day, if a before market open release.  Violation of this rule will constitute an immediate, hard breach of your account and any gain or loss on said position will be removed from any profit calculations. 


Attempting to arbitrage an Audition account with another account with the Company or any third-party company, as determined by the Company in its sole and absolute discretion. 

Third Party Trading

You may not use any third-party strategy, off-the-shelf strategy or one marketed to pass Assessment accounts. We are looking for skilled traders in their own right.

Broker Regulatory Issues

Trading in any way that jeopardizes the relationship that Alpha Tradrz has with their broker or may result in the canceling of trades.

Trading in any way that creates regulatory issues for the Broker.

Gráfico de comparação rápida


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